Saturday, January 22, 2011

Burrrrr It's Cold Outside!

This week according to the Farmer's Almanac is by average the coldest week of the year; indeed it is so far! We have had blustery winds and below 0 temps.  I look at these 'action' days and am chilled to the bone no doubt.  We did some bumming yesterday as a family and I enjoyed a nice drive to & from our destinations.  It was a cold traveling day but I couldn't help appreciating the beauty of nature; it was absolutely beautiful!  The icicles were glistening, clear & sparkly.  The snow in many places looked soft & undisturbed. And I saw many homes with big puffy clouds of smoke coming out of chimneys.  So even though it seems there is nothing to do during these cold times get out & enjoy the beauty of our earth..  Let me capture those priceless times you should be enjoying with your loved ones.